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Normale Version: [C++] WriteMemory Funktion
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da ich grade an einer Trainerbase in C++ arbeite, habe ich mir gedacht das ich ja die wichtigsten Funktionen hier veröffentlichen kann.
Vllt. mach ich dann auch die komplette Base publik.

Nun zur Funktion (die Kommentare sollten alles erklären):

C Code
//This function will write specific code at a specific memory location. It will need the process and module name of the target,
//Furthermore you need to pass the offset relative to your base address to the function.
//Function will return 1 if everything went correctly. If not it will show you an error and return 0.

int WriteMemory(LPCWSTR szProcessName, LPCWSTR szModuleName, DWORD dwOffset, BYTE szOrigCode[], int nOrigCode, BYTE szModCode[], int nModCode)
	HANDLE hProcess; //Process handle.
	DWORD BaseAddress, lpAddress, dwOldProtect; //BaseAddress of the module and the real address we want to know.
	char* BytesRead[255]; //Buffer

	hProcess = GetProcessHandle(szProcessName); //Get the process handle for WPM/RPM.
	if (hProcess == 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("Couldn't get process handle!"), szErrorTitle, NULL);
		return 0;
	BaseAddress = GetModuleBaseAddress(szProcessName, szModuleName); //Get the base address of the specific module.
	if (BaseAddress == 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("Couldn't get module base address!"), szErrorTitle, NULL);
		return 0;

	lpAddress = (DWORD)BaseAddress + dwOffset; //Calculate real address.

	//Read code and compare it. If it's szOrigCode, then we need to write our Code. If it's szModCode, then we need to write the original code
	//If it's neither one of these two, then the user has probably a wrong version.
	//First VirtualProtectEx to make the code read/writeable.
	if (VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)lpAddress, nOrigCode, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect) == 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("VirtualProtectEx failed!"), szErrorTitle, NULL);
		return 0;
	//Now ReadProcessMemory and the byte comparism.
	if(ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)lpAddress, (LPVOID)BytesRead, nOrigCode, 0) == 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("ReadProcessMemory failed!"), szErrorTitle, NULL);
		return 0;
	//Compare original bytes with those standing in memory.
	if(memcmp((const void*)BytesRead, szOrigCode, nOrigCode) == 0) //Bytes match.
		//We got the original bytes standing in memory, so we activate the cheat now.
		if ((WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)lpAddress, (LPCVOID)szModCode, nModCode, 0)) == 0)
			//Oh noes, WPM error.
			MessageBox(NULL, _T("Failed to write to process memory.."), szErrorTitle, NULL);
			return 0;
		else //Everything went fine.
			Beep(0x1000,200); //Activated sound.
			return 1;
	else if (memcmp((const void*)BytesRead, szModCode, nModCode) == 0)
		//We got the modified bytes standing in memory. So the user wants to deactivate the option now. Therefore we need to write
		//the original bytes.
		if ((WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)lpAddress, (LPCVOID)szOrigCode, nOrigCode, 0)) == 0)
			//Oh noes, WPM error.
			MessageBox(NULL, _T("Failed to write to process memory.."), szErrorTitle, NULL);
			return 0;
		else //Everything went fine.
			Beep(0x500,200); //Deactivated sound.
			return 1;
		//Neither modified bytes nor original bytes found. So the user has a wrong/currupted version.
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("You have the wrong gameversion!"), szErrorTitle, NULL);
		return 0;
	return 0;

Muss ich mir mal am Wochenende anschauen, denke kann ich gut gebrauchen, da ich mmt bedingt meiner Situation nichts anderes tun kann, und ein altes Projekt wieder neu angefangen habe.